FACES: National Craniofacial Association

  • Awareness

    An active board member aiding in marketing and public relations, Ryan proudly supports FACES — continuing to raise awareness for not only craniosynostosis, but also other craniofacial differences. FACES assists families who would otherwise be financially unable to take their child to major medical centers where specialized craniofacial teams can provide the safest and most advanced treatments for building a face and skull.

  • Support

    With the help of Vargas’ continued support, FACES was honored by Comcast with a $60,000 check awarded to the charity. This generous contribution will help fund the travel expenses for a family to reach a craniofacial surgical center, as well as the FACES camp. Vargas has been a fixture at the camp, spending several days with the campers in recent years.

“I’m able to chase my dream, but there are so many other stories out there that are not the same. They’re constantly in and out of the hospital, constantly struggling to pay their hospital bills, insurance, and all of these other things. FACES is here to try and help that.